The 40/40 event, held one week after Umhlanga, was a combination party to celebrate 40 years of independence for Swaziland plus the king’s 40th birthday. Many dignitaries attended – I was dismayed to learn (from an official Swazi radio news report) that a big star at the scene was Robert Mugabe. Perhaps he’s seen as admirable because he dares to stare down the powerful Western states. But one would think his ruthless politics and incompetent economic management would matter more. Makes me wonder what people here in Swaziland really have been told about the man and the state of his country. (Actually, I had the occasion recently to read many back issues of the Times of Swailand and found numerous articles and opinion pieces critical of Mugabe. But not everyone here reads English-language papers). Laura and I were at the nature park most of that Saturday, but we stopped by the 40/40 site around 4 pm. The stadium was still full, but by now it was packed with spectators waiting for a soccer match to begin. Outside the stadium were numerous entrepreneurs selling everything from grilled meat to bags of oranges to sarongs and Swazi flags. And there was loads of garbage (including those dreaded Styrofoam containers) covering the ground. We didn’t hang out too long, as many of the men had been drinking and as far as we could tell, we were the only white people in attendance. Thus, we were celebrities and everyone wanted me to take their picture (especially with their arms around poor Laura). Fortunately, she’s a very good sport.
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